Welcome to new PhD student – Alice Manuzzi

Alice Manuzzi, Danish Technical University and University of Queesland joint PhD student, January 2017

I am Alice Manuzzi, I am from Terni, a small city in the central region of Italy. I am starting as a PhD student in population genetics at DTU Aqua under the supervision of Einar Eg Nielsen. I concluded my Master’s degree in Marine Biology at the University of Padua (Italy) in March 2016, with a thesis about the population genomics of a coastal benthic shark, the small-spotted catshark (Scyliorhinus canicula) in the North East Atlantic. The project was developed under the supervision of Dr. Ana Veríssimo at CIBIO, Research Centre in Biodiversity and Genetic Resources (Portugal), where I also worked as a lab technician for few months after the conclusion of my master degree. My core interest is the application of genetic tools for fisheries management purposes. To date most of my studies have been focused on sharks which is in line with the PhD project on tigershark (Galeocerdo cuvier). The aims are to evaluate the historical population changes for the tiger shark, in term of distribution, abundance and evolutionary response to environmental changes and exploitation. We will apply a genomic approach (exome capture and sequencing) on both contemporary and archived (old jaws and bones) specimens of tiger sharks.

Mit navn er Alice Manuzzi og jeg kommer fra Terni, en by i den centrale del af Italien, tæt på Rom. Jeg starter som ph.d. student i populations-genetik med Einar Eg Nielsen som vejleder. Jeg færdiggjorde mit speciale i Marin Biologi ved Universitetet i Padova i Marts 2016. Mit speciale handlede om populations genomik hos småplettet rødhaj i Nordøst Atlanten. Projektet var udviklet i samarbejde med Dr. Ana Veríssimo at CIBIO, Research Centre in Biodiversity and Genetic Resources (Portugal), hvor jeg har arbejdet siden som laborant. Min hovedinteresse er anvendelse af genetiske metoder i fiskeriforvaltning. Indtil nu har de mine studier været fokuseret på hajer, hvilket passer rigtig godt med mit ph.d. projekt på tigerhaj (Galeocerdo cuvier). Formålet med projektet er at evaluere historiske populationsændringer i forhold til fordeling, antal og evolutionære respons på miljøændringer og fiskeri. Vi vil anvende de nyeste genomiske metoder (exome capture and sequencing) på både nutidigt og historisk materiale – gamle ben og kæber fra tigerhajer.