Kay Weltz and co-authors have new paper on the Maugean skate (Zearaja maugeana). They report no detectable genetic variation in the gene regions assayed in the mitochondrial genome. Variation in the nuclear genome was also low, with only eight out of 96 microsatellite loci showing any alternate alleles. The species is likely to be uniquely […]
For those interested in elasmobranch research, there is a new publication coming soon from CRC Press. If you are interested in population genetics, then go to this chapter for the latest information. Ovenden J., Dudgeon C., Feutry P., Feldheim K., Maes G. E. (2019) Genetics and Genomics for Fundamental and Applied Research on Elasmobranchs. In: […]
A newly published study led by Samuel Williams used genetic analyses to show that the numbers of marlin caught by various fisheries worldwide may be incorrect. Without features such as fins and bills (that are commonly removed to prepare product for market), even the experts have great difficulty in correctly identifying marlin species. This is […]
NeOGen software provides a power analysis framework to predict the numbers of individuals and genetic loci required for precise and accurate estimates of genetic effective population size. The NeOGen software is available for download from here. Read the paper here.
Andy Moore (Molecular Fisheries Laboratory Associate) visited UQ today for talks with Jenny. Andy is based at the Bureau of Agricultural and Resources Economics and Sciences in Canberra. He works on a range of topics including quantitative stock assessments, fisheries status reporting, genetics, and recreational fishing surveys. Andy is currently primary investigator on a national […]
The visit by Professor Dan Heath from University of Windsor (Canada) came to an end on 24th April 2018. As well as enjoying the fabulous University of Queensland campus and mild weather, Dan collaborated with Jenny and MFL members on eDNA and transcriptome projects. We look forward to further visits!
All welcome to Dan’s seminar this Friday at University of Queensland. Poster gives the details.
Minor Update of v2.1 March 2018 The update corrects an error in the mac version of the software where the output file had only headers (no content) when the Frequency Output file was chosen on the interface. Please download the latest version.
Congratulations to Ms Carolina Vargas-Caro for the successful completion of her PhD at the University of Queensland. Carolina was co-supervised by Mike Bennett of the Shark and Ray lab and Jenny Ovenden of the Molecular Fisheries Laboratory. Photo: Carolina and Peter Last at CSIRO Fish Collection in April 2014 measuring skate specimens.
Congratulations to Di Barton for leading this huge collaborative study on Grass Emperor genetics, otoliths and parasites. Download the paper here. Front (L to R) Laura Taillebois, Safia Maher, Dave Welch, Di Barton, Christine Dudgeon, Jenny Ovenden Back Richard Saunders, Dave Crook, Thor Saunders, Steve Newman and Jonathan Taylor