Tag Archives: Shark Futures

Genetics and Queensland sharks

Jess and Jenny updated fisheries stock assessment modellers (George from the Queensland Government; Peter from CARM at UQ) about the spatial extent of populations of commercially harvested shark species in Queensland. Genetic information will guide the extent of the models along the Queensland coast. For example milkshark are likely to be a single population, but […]

Goin’ for a spin ………

A new paper from PhD student Pascal Geraghty suggests that large sharks don’t move along the coasts as far as expected. Pascal’s work shows that spinner sharks (Carcharhinus brevipinna) from Australia are separate to those in southern Africa. There may also be two separate populations in tropical Australian waters. Want to know more? Click here to […]

“Shark Futures” Project Meeting

This project will assist fisheries businesses on the northern coast of NSW to sustainably and profitably harvest shark species.  New information will be provided to determine the sustainable total allowable catch of shark. The project began in January 2012 and is set to be completed in 2014. For more information about the project, click here. […]