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Download NeEstimator

NeEstimator V2.1 estimates contemporary effective population size (Ne) using multi-locus diploid genotypes from population samples.

Version 2.1 (32-bit) for Mac, Linux and PC.

Download “NeEstimator V2.1 (32-bit for Mac, Linux and PC)” – Downloaded 8137 times – 2.76 MB

Version 2.1 (64-bit) for Mac, Linux and PC.

Download “NeEstimator V2.1 (64-bit for Mac, Linux and PC)” – Downloaded 13329 times – 2.77 MB

Download SHAZA

The SHAZA software  assists in matching pairs of microsatellite genotypes in mark recapture studies. It distinguishes rare matches from those that occur by chance and was specifically designed for studies involving many many thousands of genotyped individuals.

Installation files

You can download a zip file most suitable for your computer platform:

Download “SHAZA for Windows”

shaza_win_201(1).zip – Downloaded 6591 times – 324.63 KB

Download “SHAZA for Mac OS” – Downloaded 5507 times – 153.55 KB

Download “SHAZA for Linux” – Downloaded 5325 times – 315.58 KB

These installation zips include the following files:

File name


shaza_manual_201.pdf User manual
fish_example.dat Example file – Base pair
frequency_one.dat Example file – Allele frequency one
frequency_two.dat Example file -Allele frequecy two
shaza * Intel executable file

* Windows XP has .exe extension

Source code

The sourcecode is also available for download:
SHAZA source 2.6 (ZIP, 157 kB)

The sourcecode includes the following files:

File name


README Compile information for source code
Makefile Makefile for compilation
C Source_code Source code

If you have difficulty accessing files from this website please Contact Us.

Download LocusEater

LocusEater is a set of programs (ie includes Shadowboxer) to optimise experimental design and microsatellite multiplexing strategies for genetic mark-recapture programs.

The following file includes the LocusEater program (version 1.4) and the online help files.

Download “LocusEater”

LocusEaterSetup(1).exe – Downloaded 2646 times – 605.82 KB

Download NeOGen

NeOGen provides a population-simulation and genetic power analysis framework. It simulates the demographics, genetic composition, and genetic effective population size from species‐specific life history, mortality, population size, and genetic priors

Download “Setup-NeoGen-Power_v1_3_0_6_a1.exe”

Setup-NeoGen-Power_v1_3_0_6_a1.exe – Downloaded 2397 times – 200.30 MB